They say time flies when you’re having fun. At my age, I believe that’s especially true - even when
there’s no fun to be found. As this
project comes to a close, I’ve spent a total of nine weeks in the Big Apple. I made it no secret at the onset that I was dreading the thought of having to work in Manhattan for so long.
My normal routine when I’m on the road for IBM is to spend
my days working on my client site and my nights alone in my
hotel room working on my current project's documentation or preparing for the next one. Generally speaking, I work solo on most of my projects with occasional interaction from the customer's staff. It's not like I'm bonding with the boys on a party-filled road trip. The customers have families and their own lives to live and are therefore usually not interested in hanging out or even having dinner with vendors. This is especially true in a city like Manhattan where few "regular" people can afford to live close enough to avoid hours of commuting to work each day. Hotel television sucks because the channels are unfamiliar and the selection is slim; that is unless you like home shopping, religious programming, The Knitting Channel, ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN College, ESPN Classic, ESPN Pets, ESPN Kids, ESPN Insomnia, yadda yadda yadda. But mostly hotel TV sucks because there's no DVR. When I'm home, I have no idea what time or which day my favorite shows are broadcast, nor do I tolerate commercials. I watch what I want, when I want, commercial free. With nothing to watch in my hotel room and since I had so many weeks and...since it is New
York City, I figured I could catch up on Tivo on weekends and decided to see what the Big Apple buzz was about. So I
forced myself to get out and mingle among the people. I figured at the least, it might offer some writing fodder for a daily blog that in actuality, does good to update weekly.
Wheelie Machines for Rent |
Throughout my peripatetic exploration, I saw some pretty
interesting sights, ate some great food, and met some awesome people. I also saw excessive homelessness/mental illness, ate
some nasty street cart crap, and met some complete assholes. Of course we have all of that in Texas
too, just not on the per capita scale New
York City does.
To get around town, I’ve rented cars, ridden in cabs, on trains, buses, and in subways. I’ve experienced pretty much every form of
travel the City has to offer except a horse drawn carriage and one of those
pedal driven rickshaw taxis. I even almost got ticketed for riding a bicycle up Lexington Avenue after midnight. I'm not sure if it was because I was riding up Lex, which is a one-way southbound street, or if it was because I had ridden a wheelie for several blocks straight when one of New York's finest stopped me. He told me two other officers had alerted him about me via radio as I rode by them. When he suggested I probably had a really good excuse to share with him, I looked around, smiled, shrugged, and said "I got nothin'. But in my defense, I didn't run any lights", which was actually true. He chuckled a bit and let me off the hook when I promised to keep both wheels on the ground for the rest of my nocturnal ride. The drop off point for the bike was literally across Lexington from my hotel, less than a block away. I waved at him as I crossed into the hotel lobby, realizing that I had just jay walked to get there.
Most of my travels around Manhattan were on foot. In fact, I’ve walked pretty much the entirety of Manhattan Island north to south and east to west.
I've hiked through damn near every square inch Central Park, into East Harlem, the Upper East Side, the Upper West Side, Midtown, the Theater District, the Meat Packing district, the Garment Distric
t, Hell's Kitchen, Chelsea, Gramercy, West Village, East Village, Greenwich Village, SoHo, NoHo, Little Italy, Chinatown, the Bowery, Tribeca, the Lower East Side, Wall Street, and walked across the Brooklyn Bridge and back
. I met some great people, I ate some great food (LOTS of pizza), I saw Ayn Rand's "Anthem" off Broadway, I watched parades, I gave some food to homeless people, I dropped cash in street musicians' buckets, I photobombed tourists' pictures, and through it all, I took a buttload of pictures.

So now it’s over. The network for which I was sent here to create is up and running and all the stakeholders are pleased. I took an antiquated and overloaded network and singlehandedly designed, configured, and deployed an innovative
replacement that will scale to serve the store and its clients for years. I'm kind of proud of that. In case you haven’t figured it out, I thrive
on the sense of achievement I get when I overcome challenges. Because of the congested RF environment in Manhattan, this project
was probably the most technically challenging and patience testing engagement I’ve worked in years. Even though I had to postpone starting my new role at IBM and travel week in
and week out to execute this engagement, I’m walking away from my old role with that satisfying sense of
accomplishment that I crave. I'd be dishonest if I didn't admit that I often wonder in the back of my mind how long sitting in my office week in and week out in my new role will satiate my need for a sense of accomplishment. I know I'll just have to focus on the benefits of being home with my family, my dogs, my friends, and my bands.
children through college driving a cab in New York and now has a son who is a US Army
officer serving in Afghanistan. During one of my hikes around town, I had at least two people stop to offer directions whenever
I stopped on the street to look at my map.
I was walking past Radio
City Music
Hall one night during a taping of America’s Got Talent when a side doorman noticed the t-shirt I was wearing under my opened button down shirt and shouted out to me "I'm anti social too!", upon which I opened the button down wider to reveal the red letters "IST". His eyes lit up, he fist bumped me, and after a brief conversation, let me into the show taping. I even bought a large iced tea for 99 cents at McDonald's. Virtually everything I complained about in my early entries was negated because I took the time to see the City.
Manhattan Skyline View at Dusk From Central Park |

I wrote in this series’ first entry that it felt like Manhattan was the center of the universe and months later, I still stand by that statement.
Although I could never live there, I must admit that I now recognize the
appeal Manhattan
holds for those who do. As depressed as
I was every Sunday afternoon when I had to cut my weekend short and leave the lake, leave Strokers, leave home;
as much as I missed my family and my dogs; as frustrated as I would get at not
being able to rehearse with my new band during the week; as fed up as I was
with all of it when I would board my oversold flights back home at the end of the week, I’d be
either lying or in denial if I said I haven’t enjoyed most of my time in the City. Despite all I’ve seen these last two months,
I know Manhattan offers a great deal more.
I’m pretty sure I could see most of it if I had another three or four
months. I’m also pretty sure Tiffany
would find a way to keep me there if they could.
But I’m DAMN sure that isn’t going to happen so don’t get your hopes up.