Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Resurrection I can Believe In

Last Sunday, I was fortunate to participate in an event that just might have me believing in the power of resurrection.  At 2:00 in the afternoon, I met up with Ken, Jeff, and my lifelong friend Stuart at Jeff's house, sat down at my drums, and played.  It had been almost six years since I've played with a band.  The others have been playing together in a band Called 508 Park as well as separately in other projects.  I had hardly picked up my drumsticks since I parted ways with the guys in 2007.  I'm sure that fact was obvious to the guys on Sunday, but they were positive and encouraging as we stumbled through a selection of tunes from performance set lists that Ken printed which dated back to 2002.  After a few hours, I felt like I had regained some of my chops and even remembered a few of the licks I used to throw down in the tunes we played.  I felt pretty goods as I drove home after four hours behind the kit.  So good in fact, that I dare say that if the synergy I felt was shared by the other three, then it would appear Code Blue is back.

I wrote three entries about Code Blue in my Alaskapade blog last year.  If you're really interested, they can be found here:

Don't look for any upcoming gigs; not this year anyway.  We have a tremendous amount of work to do before we can even begin thinking about hitting the boards again.  Foremost, we need a singer.  But before we can embark on that trek, we need to tighten up our sound so as to be at our best when we bring vocal candidates in.  Janis Joplin once said "audiences like their blues singers to be miserable."  After rereading the history of the band from the above links and mulling it all over, I've come to the conclusion that blues singers (especially the women) like their band to be miserable too.  That isn't a sexist statement, it's just commentary based on our own past experience and that of damn near every band whose members I got to know.  Still, we want to recapture the dynamics that we once had and a mix of male and female vocals is the best way to accomplish that.

So off we go.  After all, I need something else to keep me busy.  Look for updates here, a web page, and all the other promotional hoopla that goes along with the wannabe rock star life.